Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation
Next Generation Standards
MS-ESS2-6 - Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates.
Clarification Statement Emphasis is on how patterns vary by latitude, altitude, and geographic land distribution. Emphasis of atmospheric circulation is on the sunlight-driven latitudinal banding, the Coriolis effect, and resulting prevailing winds; emphasis of ocean circulation is on the transfer of heat by the global ocean convection cycle, which is constrained by the Coriolis effect and the outlines of continents. Examples of models can be diagrams, maps and globes, or digital representations.
Assessment Boundary - Assessment does not include the dynamics of the Coriolis effect.
Massachusetts Standards
8.MS-ESS2-6 - Describe how interactions involving the ocean affect weather and climate on a regional scale, including the influence of the ocean temperature as mediated by energy input from the Sun and energy loss due to evaporation or redistribution via ocean currents.
Clarification Statement - A regional scale includes a state or multi-state perspective.
Assessment Boundary - Koppen Climate Classification names are not expected in state assessment.
Unit & Lesson Plans
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Simulations & Investigations
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Additional Resources
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